Open Sculpture Class 2014 Schedule

Extended sessions with the same model for sculpting seated and reclining figures, bas-relief, portraiture, and working in the abstract.

Three week long poses will give you time to develop your personal vision, exploring the conceptual and practical aspects of modeling the figure in clay.

    Tuesdays 1:30-4:30 pm

      1:30-2 pm Presentation
      2-4 pm Working from the model
      4-4:30 pm Discussion, and cleanup
    Wednesdays 6:30-9:30 PM

      6:30-7 PM Presentation
      7-9 PM Working from the model
      9-9:30 PM Discussion, and cleanup

$240, fee includes 50 pounds of clay and the model fees.

    Wednesday class starts on Jan 29th, Tuesday class on Jan 28th.

    6 Vernon Street Somerville, third floor
    Parking is available in the parking lot behind the building.
    Entrance is on Central Street.

For information and registration, please complete the form on my website:
email:, or

Call: 617- 797-1099.